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DOOSAN Humanities Theater 2020: FOOD

DOOSAN Humanities Theater 2020: FOOD

Jun.01.2020 ~ Jul.27.2020
  • InfoNo charge

    Mon 7:30 p.m.

DOOSAN Humanities Theater 2020: FOOD


All creatures must eat in order to survive. Humans are not exempt from this requirement. Unlike other animals, however, humans have conferred different meanings on the activity of eating, and have thus ingested their victuals in a variety of ways. Examining what and how humanity ate in the past can reveal the history of how current culinary practices came to be. The food cultures unique to each region or ethnic group also represent the identity of said groups. As can be seen, the culture of food serves as an effective means of identifying the existence of humanity throughout all time and space.
  With the rapid advancements in technology and globalization today, our ingestive endeavors have been appropriated by giant industries. We can also now choose what to eat from a great variety of food today. Eating has become more of an index for expressing each individual rather than the means of survival. As a result, ethical and social issues are now discussed alongside the question of eating in unprecedented ways. The discourse on what and how to eat grows novel and more diverse each day. The Doosan Humanities Theater 2020 has encompassed such a wide-ranging story into a single theme, “FOOD.” This initiative will help us discover the meaning of human existence as eaters.
