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DOOSAN Yonkang Arts Awards

ProgramsDOOSAN Yonkang Arts Awards
Jeamin Cha
DAC Artists Info

2011  첼시 예술대학 대학원 순수예술 석사, 런던, 영국
2009 한국예술종합학교 조형예술과 예술사, 서울, 한국

2013 기울어진 각운들, 국제갤러리, 서울, 한국
2012 국제적인 만남, 팔레 드 도쿄, 파리, 프랑스
         플레이타임, 문화역 서울 284, 서울, 한국


차재민은 퍼포먼스와 영상작업을 병행 혹은 교차시키면서 개인과 사회의 관계, 그리고 미술언어가 어떻게 개입할 수 있는지 고민한다. 도시개발, 개발현장, 도시인의 욕망과 소외, 집단시위, 억압 등 현대사회의 핵심적 징후들을 몽환적이고 상징적으로 풀어 내면서, 뛰어난 감각으로 절제된 영상언어를 구사하며 독특한 움직임과 속도의 이미지를 생산한다. 


Jury’s Statement

This comprehensive change to the DOOSAN Artist Award review system is intended to allow the DOOSAN Artist Award to more aggressively discover the next generation of promising artists; to become a more competitive artist award; and to create a more intensive synergy for DOOSAN’s activities in support of the arts. In line with the preceding goals, the DOOSAN Artist Award’s review criteria will now put further emphasis on discovering the next generation of promising artists; shed traditional genre classifications; inclusively embrace the full range of art genres; and, above all, give due regard to the experimentation and creativity that will lead the future direction of contemporary art.

 The three artist finalists selected for the 4th DOOSAN Artist Award are Na Kim, Jeamin Cha, and Minae Kim. At the outset, in comparison with prior years, the age group of the finalists has become younger. Although Minae Kim (b. 1981), Na Kim (b. 1979), and Jeamin Cha (b. 1986) are all young artists in their late 20s or early 30s, their works and exhibition activities reflect a depth of quantity, high level of realization, and active progression that match, or even surpass, those of more established artists. Another shift in this year’s award involves the individual scopes of the three artists’ art practices. Na Kim is a graphic designer with excellent taste, an artist who has already established a solid reputation with regard to her ability; and her creative ideas shatter the traditional boundary between graphic design and art. Although Jeamin Cha also majored in fine art, she has attempted to create an exquisite connection between performance and video, and has produced artworks that are experimental and innovative with regard to their contents and technical execution. Minae Kim is a sculptor. Recently, “sculptors” have become a rarity; nevertheless, she has established herself as a young sculptor who, while extending the traditional concept of sculpture, strives to interpret reality and provoke its transformation, rather than simply representing it. The deconstructive attitude towards rigid genres, experimental concepts, and defiant spirits of these three artists parallel the issues and the diversity of subjects that they deal with, and collectively propose an alternative direction for contemporary art.
Beginning with this 4th edition, the DOOSAN Artist Award, together with the artists Na Kim, Minae Kim, and Jeamin Cha, hopes to experiment with new energies, challenges, and progressiveness, and to become the most influential art award in the Korean art scene. Additionally, for these three artists, we are eagerly awaiting excellent artworks that will surpass our expectations in their upcoming solo shows in Seoul and New York.

_Geun-jun Lim, Yunah Jung, Sung-won Kim
